Causes Of Nail Damage

 Nail Damage Due To These Reasons.

Common causes of nail problems include injuries, infections, and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Causes of nail problems include trauma, poor footwear, poor circulation, poor nervous system and disease. A podiatrist can effectively treat toenail problems.

It is normal for nails to:

break or break (break) quickly as you age, loosen itself, and fall if injured. Nails last for 18 months.

Causes of angular nail problems
Your hands are often in water or soap
fungal nail infection thyroid
heart, lung or liver disease Check the side effects of the medications you are taking .

The most common cause of nail cracking is something that happens to everyone: aging. It is more common in women over the age of 60, but it can also affect men.

If your cracked nails are related to aging, you may also notice yellowing at the base.

Although you can't turn back the clock, you can take better care of your efforts. Apply urea cream or mineral oil to your fingernails and toenails before going to bed, and wear cotton sheets. Apply the cream after washing your hands or showering during the day. If this is not enough, your dermatologist may recommend a more intensive treatment.


The body needs iron to make healthy red blood cells that can carry oxygen throughout the body.

Pregnancy may increase the risk of anemia. Also some conditions like ulcers and cancer.

If low thyroid hormone levels cause cracked nails, you may also notice:
skin on the palms of your hands or the heels of your feet. give your body hormones that your thyroid can't make.

All of the above causes damaged nails.

Treatment Of Foul Smelling Of Mouth And Home Remedies..

Treatment Of Foul Smelling Mouth

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

  • Good Dental Hygiene
According to reliable research, the most common cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. Preventing memory loss is the key to good oral health. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and evening) with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes.

Some people find that massaging after each meal is necessary to prevent cavities and bad breath. To prevent bacteria from growing and food particles stuck to your teeth, brush your teeth at least once a day.
An exercise known as tongue brushing can help remove this thin film. Brush your tongue at least once a day with a toothbrush or special brush. Learn more about why you should brush your tongue.

  • Parsley
Parsley is a popular folk remedy for shortness of breath. Its fresh aroma and high chlorophyll content indicate that it can have a pleasant aromatic effect. Reliable research (but not on human breathing) has shown that plants can effectively fight against harmful sulfur compounds.

To use parsley for smelling bad, eat fresh leaves after every meal or buy herbal supplement here.

  • Pineapple Juice
Many people believe that pineapple juice is the fastest and most effective remedy for bad breath. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this theory, history shows that it works.

Drink a glass of natural pineapple juice with every meal or eat a slice of pineapple for a minute or two. It is important to remember to rinse your mouth when there is sugar in fruits and juices.

  • Water
Reliable research shows that dry mouth often causes shortness of breath.

Your mouth dries up when you sleep, so breathing gets worse in the morning.

prevent dry mouth by protecting your body. Drinking water (non-caffeinated or flavored drinks) throughout the day helps stimulate water production.

  • Yogurt
Yogurt contains healthy bacteria called lactobacillus. These good bacteria can help fight bad bacteria in different parts of the body, such as the gut.

In a study conducted six weeks after consuming yogurt, 80 percent of the participants had reduced breathing. The probiotics in yogurt are effective in reducing the severity of respiratory infections.

To fight asthma with yogurt, eat at least one serving of fat-free yogurt every day.

  • Milk
milk is a popular remedy for breathing. Reliable research shows that drinking milk after eating garlic can improve the "garlic" breath.

Using this method, drink a glass of low-fat or full-fat milk during or after a meal that contains spicy foods such as garlic and onion.
Fennel or anise seeds
Fennel and anise seeds have been used since ancient times to clear the breath. In some parts of India, roasted fennel seeds are still used as "muswak" or mouthwash to clear breath after dinner. They have a sweet taste and contain essential oils that give your breath a fresh scent.

Fennel and anise seeds can be eaten whole, roasted or covered in sugar. Orange

Most people have bad breath because they don't produce enough sweat to wash away the bad smelling bacteria. Studies have shown that vitamin C helps increase water production, which can help eliminate odor. Lemon is rich in vitamin A.

  • Zinc
Zinc salt, contains some mouthwashes and chewing gums, inhibits breathing. Zinc reduces the number of compounds containing sulfur and energy. Research from reliable sources has shown that using a solution containing zinc regularly can reduce bad breath for at least 6 months.

Try zinc gum for people with dry mouth. You can also find zinc supplements at your local pharmacy or buy them online here.

  • Green Tea
Green tea is a good home remedy for breathing. Reliable research sources show that green tea has antiseptic and deodorizing properties that can temporarily freshen the breath. Mint has the same effect, so a cup of mint green tea can be a great air freshener.

Before going to bed, brew two cups of tea and refrigerate overnight. Pour the iced tea into a water bottle and take it to work. Drink slowly throughout the day. Buy mint green tea here.

  • Apple
Reliable research has shown that raw apples have a strong effect on garlic asthma. Some natural compounds in apples neutralize the bad smell of garlic. This is especially helpful for people with chronic asthma as it removes the compound from the bloodstream instead of from the mouth. 9
reliable research papers show that toothpaste with high baking soda is effective in reducing inflammation.

To make soda mouthwash, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 cup of warm water. Rinse the mouthwash around the mouth for at least 30 seconds before spraying.

Alcohol mouthwash at home Bacteria do not like to grow in an acidic environment, so alcohol mouthwash can reduce the growth of bacteria. Rinse for at least 30 seconds before spraying .

Causes of foul smell from Mouth....

Foul smelling from mouth .

Bad breath varies depending on the cause. Some people are very concerned about asthma whether they have bad breath or not. Others smell bad and don't know it. Since it is difficult to detect bad breath, ask a close friend or relative to know if you have bad breath.

Most breathing begins with the mouth. There are many reasons, including:


Breaking down food particles in and around your teeth can lead to bacteria and bad breath. Eating certain foods such as onions, garlic and spices can also cause bad breath. After you eat these foods, they enter your bloodstream, travel to your lungs, and affect your breathing.

. Smoking causes bad breath. Smokers are more prone to gum disease, which is another major cause of bad breath.
By cleaning the mouth and teeth. If you don't brush and floss every day, food particles will remain in your mouth, causing bad breath. A colorless, sticky film of bacteria, called plaque, forms on the teeth. If left untreated, plaque can irritate the gums. Finally, it can create pockets between the teeth and gums. The onset of gum disease is called gingivitis. Early onset gum disease is called periodontal disease. The tongue can also harbor odor-causing bacteria . Teeth can also collect odor-causing bacteria and food debris, as can removable or fixed appliances such as braces that are not cleaned regularly or don't fit properly.

Dry mouth.

Saliva helps to clean the mouth and remove bad odors. A condition called dry mouth or xerostomia (zeer-o-STOE-me-uh) can be part of breathing because you produce less water. Dry mouth occurs during sleep, resulting in "morning breath". It will be worse if you sleep with your mouth open. Chronic dry mouth can be caused by salivary gland problems and certain diseases.

. Some medicines can cause dry mouth. The body breaks down other drugs and releases chemicals that can be inhaled.
Diseases of the mouth. Injuries after oral surgery, such as tooth extraction, as well as decay, gum disease, or mouth ulcers can cause bad breath.
Other diseases of the mouth, nose and throat. Small stones that form in the tonsils, called tonsil stones or tonsil stones, cover bacteria that can cause bad breath. Chronic infection or inflammation of the nose, sinuses, or throat can cause postnasal drip. In this case, the liquid from the nose comes out of the back of the throat. This condition can also cause headaches.

The reason.

Diseases, such as certain cancers, can cause bad breath. The same is true of problems related to how the body breaks down food into energy. Chronic heartburn, a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can lead to shortness of breath. A foreign body, such as a piece of food in the nasal cavity, can cause bad breath in children.
The risk of inhalation is worse if you eat foods known to cause irritation, such as garlic, onions, and spices. Smoking, poor oral hygiene, and certain medications can also play a role, as can mouth ulcers, oral infections, and certain
diseases. In addition, other conditions such as GERD or cancer can cause bad breath.

What Is Foul Smell From Mouth

Foul Smell From Mouth...

The main causes include dry mouth caused by certain foods, smoking, poor oral hygiene and a coated tongue. Treatment for halitosis depends on the cause.

What is halitosis?
Halitosis is an oral hygiene problem characterized by bad breath.

What causes bad breath?
Bad breath can have many causes, as bacteria have many sources. Halitosis can be caused by:

Certain foods. What you eat depends on your oral health, including your breath. Things like garlic and onions, or any food, go into the bloodstream. Until this food leaves your body, it can affect your breathing. Bad breath affects approximately 25 percent of people. There are many reasons that can cause bad breath, but most of them are due to poor oral hygiene.

  • Brief Information About Bad Breath

  • Here are some important points about bad breath.

  • Bad breath affects an estimated 1 in 4 people worldwide.

  • When food particles remain in the mouth, sulfur compounds are formed as a result of bacterial breakdown.
  • Mouthwash can reduce bad breath.
The best way to get rid of bad breath is to wash, rinse and irrigate regularly.

Poor oral hygiene. Without regular brushing and flossing, and regular dental check-ups, food remains in the mouth. This is where bacteria multiply. Food that collects on the teeth, gums and tongue can cause cavities. This causes a bad smell and taste in the mouth.

Improper teeth cleaning. Poorly cleaned teeth can collect bacteria, fungi and food residues that cause irritation. bacteria cause bad breath. Certain bacteria on the back of the tongue can react with amino acids in food and produce sulfur compounds that smell good.

Period disease. One of the most important symptoms of gum disease is bad breath and bad taste in the mouth. This condition requires immediate medical attention.

Dry mouth (Xerostomia). This condition is often an important part of halitosis. When saliva production is severely reduced, the mouth cannot clean itself and remove debris and food particles. Dry mouth can be caused by certain medications, salivary glands, or constant breathing through the mouth instead of the nose.

Tobacco. Tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco and tobacco, harm the teeth and put the body at risk for many diseases. But they also help the development of bad smell. Smokers are also at greater risk for:

Chronic Illness

Shortness of breath may be a symptom of one of these conditions. Contact your doctor:

Respiratory disease

Nose, trachea or lung disease

Chronic bronchitis


Treatment OF Damage Hair.

 Treatment  of  Damage  Hair

Tips to Prevent Hair Damage
Resist the urge to pour shampoo into your hair. Just massage it into your scalp and let it run through your hair. Using too much product to create too much dust will lead to dryness.

  • Wrap your hair in a soft, absorbent t-shirt. Then, dry your hair.
  • Do not cut your hair when it is wet, because wet hair is soft.
  • Do not sleep with tight hair such as ponytails or braids.
  • Limits on heat treatment, bleaching and bleaching processes.
  • If you have curly hair, gather your hair with a wide-brimmed comb in the shower.
  • Index

Hair can be damaged by one or more factors such as heat styling, bleaching, coloring, hot showers, poor hair care methods and others. The easiest way to restore damaged hair is hair care products, serums, oils and conditioners. We hope these things will help you get back your lost locks.

Best practices include:

foods rich in vegetables and dos-specific dos . Eat dos-specific, seasonal fruits and vegetables whenever possible. This includes:

  • heavy and nourishing foods for vat
  • cooling, soothing foods for pittas
  • bitter or astringent foods for kaphas
butters and nuts used healthy fats nourish the body. The oil can also make hair shiny and healthy.

Adding a little cumin, turmeric, ginger, and honey to digestive juices to help with digestion.

To prevent future hair loss, consider these hair care tips:

  • Use shampoo and conditioner after swimming.
  • Try to dry your hair if possible.
  • Make sure all bed linens and towels are loose so they don't pull on the head.
  • Consider a new hairstyle that requires less maintenance and damage.
  • Eat nutritious food so that your hair gets all the nutrients it needs.
  • Avoid wearing a hat that fits in fashion - keep it only for sun protection.
Choosing a
hairstyle can be frustrating.

If your hair is still brittle after making changes to your diet and hair regimen, it may be time to see a medical professional to rule out any underlying medical problems.

Causes of Damage Hair...

 Causes Of  Hair Damage

There are many reasons for hair loss. The hair is based on a cut in which there are scales that connect the strands together.

1. Diet
There's a lot to the old saying, "You are what you eat," especially when it comes to hair and skin health.

Certain foods help hair grow and prevent breakage.

Adequate protein and antioxidants (found in plant foods) can also maintain hair health. Certain vitamins can also help with hair loss.

2. Stress
There is a lot of evidence that there is a link between stress and hair loss, but it is also known that stress can cause hair breakage.
Telogen effluvium is a common type of alopecia that can be caused by stress. This type of stress causes the follicles to go dormant, so hairs that are in the middle of their growth period can fall out. You may also notice old hair loss.

3. Dryness
Improper hair can be a precursor to breakage and damage.

It can be caused by many factors, including dry weather, low humidity, and high temperatures. Make sure you use warm water and not hot water when you wash your hair - the latter can lead to frizz.

If the ends are dry, consider applying shampoo only to the scalp. A drop-in cooler isn't either. Try a hair mask on the middle and ends of your hair.

If you're pressed for time, apply a leave-in conditioner before shampooing wet hair.

. However, if you use this tool incorrectly or too much, the skin can be damaged by excessive heat.

One way to prevent heat damage in general is to give locks a break from all types of devices at least once a week. To really reduce heat damage from styling tools, choose ceramic models - they heat up well so you don't use the same part of the hair more than once.

It's also important to protect your hair before you heat it. Use a heat protectant to reduce damage.

4. Other prevention
Dauer, relaxers, professional hair straighteners and all colors can make your hair look good after the first one or two treatments. But if you do these things frequently, the curling iron can damage and damage your hair.

Permanent hair dye can interact with scalp and cause contact dermatitis.

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends increasing the time between sessions to 8-10 weeks if possible. In the meantime, try a hair mask to get the best results.

5. Washing
If your skin is oily, there may be excess sebum (natural oil) production. This can cause you to try to wash your hair more often than you should.

Although daily washing is good if you have oily hair, you should not wash your hair more than once a day. On the other hand, dry hair only needs a weekly shampoo.

Also, make sure you gently brush your head and apply a gentle conditioner from the ends to the roots.

. But the motion of brushing the hair damages your hair when it is weak (when it is wet).

Instead of wiping the water from your head, wrap an absorbent towel around your hair. As a temporary, you can also leave the towel on your hair to get more water.

But let's face it, they come in handy on bad hair care days or when you're in a hurry.

The problem with hair ties is that they lift your head up and cut your hair. You may even feel that some hair falls out every time you wash its tail.

You can fix this by putting your hair in one motion, or by loosening your hair a little so that it doesn't pull your hair out too much.

also make sure you wear a good scrunchie and not just a plastic one that can damage your hair.

They only recommend massaging and massaging while you practice. , An older, reliable clinical trial from 2009 found that brushing teeth reduced hair loss in women.

Make sure you use a wide tooth comb to avoid breakage. Even with dry hair, use a brush and avoid using plastic. Try a natural bristle brush.

6. Hairlessness
It may seem that hair can be harmful. Surprisingly, cutting your hair can help keep your hair healthy and less prone to breakage.

You can think of a haircut as a haircut - in both cases, you need to remove some old cells to promote the growth of new ones. If you split these ends, the split ends can travel to the rest of your head and can cause a fracture.

Visit your stylist every eight weeks depending on your hair length and type. Even if you are growing your hair out, trimming damaged ends can prevent further breakage.

7. Hypothyroidism
We talk about hypothyroidism when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Although the thyroid gland itself is small, it plays an important role in the functioning of the body. This includes metabolism, heart rate and even hair growth.

People with hypothyroidism may experience excessive shedding and shedding, especially after bathing or brushing their teeth. If you have dry hair, along with low energy, sudden weight gain, and depression, see your health care professional for a thyroid test.

8. Eating Disorders
If you or someone you love has an eating disorder, hair loss is a possible symptom.
This is because some eating disorders cause malnutrition, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa. In this case, the hair does not have the necessary nutrients to produce new hair, the process stops completely. You may even notice new hair fall in the middle of puberty.

Malnutrition can lead to serious consequences that require medical treatment. Reading personal stories of people who have overcome eating disorders can help you or a loved one seek treatment.

Home remedies for damage hair .

What is hair?

Hair damage usually refers to damage to the surface of the hair or cut. The cut is open and makes the hair easier to damage.

Damaged hair can look and feel.
  • Curly
  • Dry
  • Tangled
  • Brittle
  • Unmanageable
  • Rough
  • Lack

What Kind of Hair Damage?
1. Dry Hair

Damaged hair is removed from the natural oils on the hair shaft. This causes hair loss. Shampoos contain harsh chemicals that can strip oils from the scalp and hair. Wash your hair gently and use a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

2. Tangle
Damaged hair tends to fall out. This lifting creates tension between the hair strands causing them to clump together. Lack of water in the hair can make this condition worse. Brush with a wide-toothed comb, starting from the bottom and working your way up. Sprays, oils, masks and masks came to the rescue.

3. Frizz can appear at the top level, at the crown level, at the top of the hair, or at the end of the hair. Water and damaged hair can cause hair loss. Blood helps to improve the condition.

4. Splitting and splitting can lead to hair that is prone to breakage. Hair powders, serums, and conditioners can correct split ends to some extent.

What causes hair loss?
1. Hot Hair Styles

The heat generated during hair processing (eg hair straightening, straightening or combing) can open the cuticle and make the hair appear lighter. High temperatures are a clear cause of damaged hair.

If you want to style for an important event, you can blow about six inches away and use a good heat protecting serum. Also, make sure to dry your hair with a soft t-shirt before applying heat.

2. Bleaching
During bleaching, the hair is changed to one or two shades lighter than the natural hair color. The process involves dissolving the melanin pigment that gives hair its color. The change can cause hair to become dry, brittle and brittle. It can also remove discoloration and hair loss.

To reduce further damage from bleaching, use sun protection (hats and hats) and moisture in your hair. It also protects your hair from chlorinated water in swimming pools. It can make your hair green and remove excess moisture from your hair.

3. Chemical Colors
Fashionable hair colors come at a price. The price is hair damage! Yes, your hair dye can absorb moisture from your hair, making it hard to touch. Dry hair is prone to split ends.
Pro tip:

Choose a hair dye that is within three shades of your natural hair color. Unnatural colors require regular touch-ups, which means your hair will show more color.

The easiest way to reduce the damage caused by hair loss is to do it less often. Kraft hair care experts recommend using shampoos designed for colored hair and washing less frequently to avoid frequent bleaching.
Other causes of hair loss are:

1. Hair care routine
Switch to a consistent hair care routine. This requires some research before purchasing shampoos, conditioners, oils, and serums. Washing and conditioning is the basis of any hair care regimen.

Make sure you buy products without sulfates, parabens, alcohols, dyes, and fragrances. Wash your hair regularly to remove dirt, sebum and dead skin cells. You can use the most effective treatments available in the market to restore damaged hair. These have powerful properties and have a long release time.

2. Applying hair serum
We cannot stress enough the importance of serum. They protect hair from heat treatment, control frizz and add shine. As a general rule, apply serum to your hair at the end. Applying it to the scalp can make the hair greasy.

3. Cut your hair
Cut your hair once every 6-8 weeks to remove or prevent split ends. Improperly split ends can lead to brittle, dry and damaged hair.

The wind blows in your hair
Sleep with your hair down

4. Homemade Masks
Inexpensive homemade masks can restore damaged hair and make it healthy.

A. Avocado
Make a hair mask from avocado and egg and leave it for 20 minutes. Avocados are rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids - everything you need for healthy hair.

B. Banana
Mix a ripe banana with cottage cheese or olive oil. Apply this mixture on your head and scalp. Wash with a mild shampoo. Bananas contain carbohydrates, potassium, vitamins and essential oils to make hair soft.

C. Egg
Make a smooth mixture with one egg white and half a lemon. Apply to your hair and cover with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. Eggs are full of protein, vitamins A, D and E. They act as conditioners to restore lost. Lemon is anti-fungal and helps remove product residue from the hair.

5. Hair Oil
Coconut oil is one of the natural products for hair. It can go into hair cutting to repair hair damage.

Olive oil is a good moisturizer and can help replace lost water in the hair.

almond oil helps to reduce dry locks and reduce breakouts.

Makes hair soft and prevents breakage . Vitamin E is very essential for hair.

Mix Aloe Vera in rice water and apply on hair. This will make your hair very soft and smooth. It should take half an hour at most.

Tips for treating hair damage Just massage it into your scalp and let it run through your hair. Using too much product to create too much dust will lead to dryness.
Wrap your hair in a soft, absorbent t-shirt. Then, dry your hair.
Do not cut your hair when it is wet, because wet hair is soft.
Don't sleep with tight hair like ponytails and buns.
Limits on heat treatment, bleaching and bleaching processes.
If you have curly hair, comb your hair with a wide-brimmed comb in the shower.

Hair can be damaged by one or more factors such as heat styling, bleaching, coloring, hot showers, poor hair care methods and others. The easiest way to restore damaged hair is with gentle hair care, serums, oils and conditioners. We hope these will help restore your locks to their lost glory.