Ear pain in the middle ear is usually caused by acute otitis media, but it can also be caused by ringworm, barotrauma and malfunctioning of the Eustachian tube.
Causes of sharp ear pain include changes in pressure and infections. They are often harmless, but some may require medical treatment.
If the pain originates from inside the ear, doctors call it primary otalgia. If it comes from outside the ear, the term is secondary otalgia.
The many possible causes and accompanying symptoms are described below. We also explain ways to treat and prevent earaches.
The causes of sharp pain in the ear are listed below. Pain can be caused by one or a combination of these factors.
Each ear contains a thin tube called the Eustachian tube. It helps regulate the pressure in the ear to match the air pressure outside, allowing the eardrum to function properly.
Pressure imbalances sometimes occur, which can be caused by blockage of the Eustachian tube or changes in air pressure or altitude.
Changes in external pressure can cause a type of temporary ear injury called ear barotrauma. The symptoms are:
. feeling of pressure in the ear
. hearing loss
. dizziness
There are three main types of sinus infections. These are:
otitis, an inflammation and infection of the ear, and the most certain type of sinus infection
mastoiditis, an infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear.
Infections can occur , Sinus infections can be viral or bacterial.
In addition to sharp pain, possible symptoms of an ear infection include:
hearing problems
A foreign object can get stuck in the ear canal. Children, for example, tend to put things in their ears out of curiosity.
sharp or dull pain
discharge from the ear
hearing loss