health tips ,throat remedies.

 Remedies For Throat

A sore throat caused by bacteria can cause a sudden fever but not a cough. In contrast, the sore throat virus develops slowly and causes coughing, wheezing or hoarseness, which means a change in voice.

Some individuals may also experience conjunctivitis or red eye symptoms. Strep throat bacteria, fever over 101 degrees Celsius, and swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. In contrast, viral sore throat is accompanied by mild or no fever. The last thing to check is the tonsils. Bacterial sore throats show swollen tonsils that are red and sometimes white. Dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of salt in warm water and shake several times a day (not recommended for people with high blood pressure).

Honey: Honey has a natural antibacterial effect, heals and soothes the throat. Mix in warm water with lemon or tea before bed, but avoid for children under 1 year due to rare complications.

. Garlic: The antibacterial properties of garlic have a beneficial effect on sore throats. Inhale garlic steam, make a paste with honey, or make garlic tea for relief.
Inhalation and Steam Humidifier: Use a cold or steam humidifier to moisten the throat and relieve congestion. Steam inhalation involves boiling water in a pot and inhaling the steam. Stay hydrated: discomfort when swallowing, it is important to stay hydrated. Hot water, tea and soups make the throat greasy.
Elevate your head: Elevate your head with a pillow to reduce throat swelling and improve breathing during sleep.

Lemon Water: Lemon provides vitamin C and breaks up mucus, providing immediate relief. Squeeze a lemon into warm water to soothe your throat and boost your immune system. 986 Adding honey increases their effectiveness.

Avoid irritation: To avoid further irritation, avoid dry air, smoking, acidic or spicy foods, and lie down immediately after eating, especially if you have acid reflux. Medical declaration.
The content of our books and videos, our website or social media information do not provide a diagnosis or other treatment recommendations and do not replace the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in the diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal.

We wish to provide information of an educational nature only. Determining the need for health care services and the types of health care to provide a patient are decisions that should only be made by a physician or licensed health care provider.

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